15 05, 2019

Start Up Grant award winners

By |2020-08-18T13:44:17+00:00May 15th, 2019|News, Spring School|Comments Off on Start Up Grant award winners

Congratulations to our Start up Winners!!! Jana Zweerings Project information: Impulsivity is a major component of various psychiatric disorders. Amongst others, it plays a fundamental role in addiction. The aim of our project is the identification of convergent network level markers for impulsivity and addiction. In a second step, a real-time fMRI [...]

1 05, 2017

The first Spring School of the IRTG 2150 recap

By |2020-08-18T13:44:18+00:00May 1st, 2017|Spring School|0 Comments

The first Spring School of the IRTG 2150 was held from April 26th to April 29th, 2017, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The four days were focused around presentations of ongoing PhD projects from more than 30 students investigating the neural circuits of impulsivity and aggression, the modulation of these networks in patients, and establishing new methodological [...]