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External talks
Presentation from Prof. Yoram Ben-Shaul (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem – IRTG 2150 Mercator Fellow)
Room 1.011, 2. Sammelbau Biologie Worringerweg 3, AachenTitle: Plasticity and flexibility in a pheromone processing system // please note that the talk takes place in the 2. Sammelbau Biologie & starts at 5:15 pm //
Presentation from Dr. Gabriela Gan (ZI Mannheim)
IRTG library room Pauwelsstrasse 30, Aaachen, Non-US or Canadian Address, GermanyTitle: Push my button - Neural and personality profiles of human reactive aggression
Presentation from Jon Shah (FZJ; IRTG supervisor)
Title: Basics of MRI Room 4001b in building 15.9v @ Research Center Jülich (at 4 pm)
Presentation from Prof. Frank Zufall (Saarland University)
IRTG library room Pauwelsstrasse 30, Aaachen, Non-US or Canadian Address, GermanyPresentation from Prof. Michaela Pfundmair (LMU München)
IRTG library room Pauwelsstrasse 30, Aaachen, Non-US or Canadian Address, GermanyTitle: Pathways toward Jihadism: New empirical findings on the roots of radicalization