Lena Mehlem
I am Lena Mehlem, a Ph.D. student in the research group of Prof. Dr. Kerstin Konrad. I graduated from RWTH Aachen University with a background in research logopedics. I am investigating synchrony patterns in parent-child interaction and their influence on the transmission of violent and non-violent behavior. In my project, I mainly focus on behavioral synchrony and neural synchrony using fNIRS hyperscanning.

Luca Lasogga
I am Luca Lasogga, and I am a PhD student in the research group led by Prof. Dr. Ute Habel. After my Bachelor’s in Maastricht, I graduated in forensic and legal psychology in Rotterdam. The project, I am involved in, investigates how high definition transcranial direct current stimulation can benefit cognitive control in criminal offenders.

Felix Stöhr
My name is Felix Stöhr and I graduated from the university of Maastricht (NL) with a background in Health Sciences, specializing in human biology, and Neuropsychology. Currently, I am working as a PhD student in the research group of Prof. Klaus Mathiak, where my main focus lies on both behavioral and neuroimaging studies investigating social exclusion and ostracism, primarily induced by a 3D virtual environment Cyberball paradigm, and its links with aggressive behavior. Furthermore, I am exploring the use of previously mentioned 3D virtual environment as a means of feedback presentation in an real-time fMRI neurofeedback setting.

Luisa Maulitz
My name is Luisa Maulitz. I graduated from RWTH University Aachen in M. Sc. Psychology. Afterwards I gained working experience in clinical psychology as well as in Gender research. My Ph.D. project focuses on the prediction of therapy response in endometriosis patients. I investigate behavioural, emotional and neuronal correlates of endometriosis patients with special attention to their pain perception.associated with improvements in response inhibition and aims to build a predictive model for the effectiveness of HD-tDCS.

Dario Müller
My name is Dario Müller, and I am a Ph.D. student in the research group of Prof. Dr. Ute Habel. I graduated from the University of Twente with a M.Sc. in Human Factors and Engineering Psychology and with a second M.Sc. in Clinical Neuropsychology from the University of Groningen. Currently, I am working on a project that uses High Definition transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (HD-tDCS) to modulate response inhibition. The study investigates the neuronal correlates associated with improvements in response inhibition and aims to build a predictive model for the effectiveness of HD-tDCS.

Linda Orth
I am Linda Orth, a PhD student working in the group of Prof. Irene Neuner. I graduated from RWTH Aachen University, and have a background in biology. Currently, I am working on a project investigating the feasibility of real-time fMRI neurofeedback to learn self-regulation of brain activity in patients with tic disorders in order to reduce symptoms and lead to clinical improvement.

Camellia Ibrahim
My name is Camellia Ibrahim and I have a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in psychology from the RWTH Aachen University and Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf respectively. One of my main interests is intercultural research with a focus on Arab culture. I am currently a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Prof. Klaus Mathiak and I am working on a project investigating resilience and the possibility of increasing resilience using real-time fMRI neurofeedback in Arab refugees and migrants.

Lina Kenzler
My name is Lina Kenzler and I graduated from RWTH Aachen University with a background in neuro- and reproductive biology. Currently, I am a PhD student within the Department of Chemosensation under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Marc Spehr. In my project I mainly focus on the molecular basis of intercellular communication as well as sperm transport within the testis.

Leandra Nolte
II graduated from University of Cologne and have a background in clinical psychology and neuroscience. Currently, I am a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ute Habel and my research focuses on the impact of sex, genetics and epigenetics on the multilevel stress response. In detail, we are applying a psychosocial stress task in the fMRI scanner and investigate its effects on working memory, cortisol response, physiological arousal and affective ratings. The aim of the study is to identify groups with a high stress vulnerability and, therefore, increased risk for depression and anxiety disorders. Moreover, I continue a project on the modulation of risk taking and aggression in criminal offenders with neurostimulation I started during my master thesis.

Sarah Friedrich
‘m a PhD student in Prof. Ute Habel’s research group since September 2020. I graduated from the Ruhr-University Bochum with a Master’s in psychology and cognitive neuroscience. I am especially interested in neuroplasticity and neuroimaging methods. My PhD project investigates the effects of hormone gender reassignment therapy in transgender people on behavior, psychological well-being as well as function and structure of the brain.

Patricia Schnakenberg
I graduated from Maastricht University with a Master in Neuropsychology. I am currently a PhD student in the group of Prof. Dr. Natalya Chechko and my work focuses on postpartum depression (PPD). Specifically, I am interested in the multivariate prediction of PPD by means of behavioral, hormonal, functional and structural data.

Micha Keller
My name is Micha Keller and I have graduated from Maastricht University with a Master’s in Neuropsychology. Currently, I am a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Mathiak. My PhD projects focus on brain self-regulation in the context of real-time fMRI neurofeedback in psychiatric populations. Furthermore, I am investigating neural correlates of heart rate and respiration to learn more about the interaction of central and peripheral mechanisms

Simon H. Kohl
I have a background in psychology and neuroscience and graduated from TU Dresden. My research focuses on neurofeedback research. During my master studies, I worked on a clinical trial of EEG neurofeedback in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder at the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at TU Dresden and later completed my master thesis within the BRAINTRAIN EU-project at the University of Tübingen investigating real-time fMRI neurofeedback training to improve eating behavior. In my PhD project, I am now investigating the potential of functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) for neurofeedback applications under the supervision of Prof. Kerstin Konrad

Leon Weninger
After finishing my studies in electrical engineering at RWTH Aachen University and Ecole Centrale Lyon, I started my PhD under supervision of Prof. Dr. Dorit Merhof at the institute of Computer Vision and Imaging. I am working in the field of diffusion imaging, where I am researching new machine learning techniques that enable a robust analysis of brain microstructure and structural connectivity in multi-center studies.

Sophie Charlotte Niestroj
I completed a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Psychology at the University of Maastricht in which my main area of interest was the assessment of cognitive functions.
I have recently started a PhD in the research group of Prof. Kerstin Konrad where my focus will be on social information processing, emotion recognition and risk taking behavior in children,
adolescence and young adults with a history of early traumatic experiences. Furthermore, we will assess daily victimization experiences via ecological momentary assessments (EMA).
I have recently started a PhD in the research group of Prof. Kerstin Konrad where my focus will be on social information processing, emotion recognition and risk taking behavior in children,
adolescence and young adults with a history of early traumatic experiences. Furthermore, we will assess daily victimization experiences via ecological momentary assessments (EMA).

Janna Krahe
I completed my studies of Psychology at Trier University (B.Sc.) – with an exchange semester at Maastricht University – and at the University of Cologne (M.Sc.). Currently, I am working as research associate in the group of Prof. Reetz in the Department of Neurology, RWTH Aachen. Within my PhD project I investigate two major aspects of hereditary ataxias: biochemical markers in hereditary ataxias using metabolic imaging (Sodium MRI and MRS) and the behavioral/clinical perspective with a focus on psychological resilience, depression and other neuropsychiatric symptoms, e.g. emotional control.

Julia Ebert
I finished my studies in electrical engineering at the RWTH Aachen University with the major field of study in Biomedical Engineering. Afterward, I started my PhD. in the research group of Prof. Reetz in the Department of Neurology, where I’m currently investigating neurodegenerative disorders and their effects on the central nervous system (CNS), especially the spinal cord. For this purpose, I’m establishing customized machine learning methods to achieve an in-depth insight into the ongoing degeneration processes of these disorders. Understanding the underlying processes and the complex relation between observable morphological changes of the CNS and clinical changes is what I’m most interested in about this project. Additionally, for investigating the causality of specific scientific questionings, working in an interdisciplinary environment has always appeared to me as one of the core fundamentals and I’m confident that this project will benefit tremendously from the diverse knowledge of the working group.
Erik Röcher
I completed my Master’s Degree Electrical Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Engineering at RWTH Aachen University with a focus on Biomedical Engineering. Within my PhD projects, I investigate the applicability of recent Machine Learning techniques in psychiatric imaging under supervision of Prof. Mathiak.