Hernandez Pena Lucia got best poster award
Lucia's poster "Neural underpinnings of sibling interactions” got Best Scientific Poster award in the category Best Tool / Model System at the 9th annual retreat of INM and IBI. Congratulations Lucia!
Lucia's poster "Neural underpinnings of sibling interactions” got Best Scientific Poster award in the category Best Tool / Model System at the 9th annual retreat of INM and IBI. Congratulations Lucia!
The IRTG2150 student Lena Hofhansel got the Friedrich-Wilhelm Award for her dissertation - “The Criminal Brain: Brain Structure and Function Specifics of Aggressive Behavior”. The award ceremony will be on 19th of November. Congratulation Lena!!
Biological Psychiatry - Neuroimaging Biomarkers of Psychological Trauma We are happy to announce that the artwork of our IRTG2150 students was featured in recent issue of Biological Psychiatry. This cover was jointly designed by Laura Bell (Ph.D. candidate at RWTH Aachen University) and Cedric Huchuan Xia (M.D.-Ph.D. candidate at the University of [...]