The winners of the Aachen Neuroimaging Publication Award 2024 have been announced.

We are happy, that 2 members of our IRTG2150 were mentioned

The number of papers read, reviewed, and rated by the Brain Imaging Facility for the Aachen NeuroImaging Publication Award (ANPA) nearly doubled compared to last year. Though many papers received high ratings, there can of course be only one winner.

Without further ado, we would like to announce, and congratulate, the winner of the ANPA 2024:

Julia Koch

For the paper
A quasi-experimental study in sibling dyads: differential provocation-aggression patterns in the interactive taylor aggression paradigm” Published in Frontiers in Psychology

We were particularly impressed by the paper’s meticulous yet concise description of relatively complex analysis methods. The paper is a good example of how rigorously designed graphs and figures can help convey large quantities of information in a clear and comprehensible manner.

Like last year we would also like to acknowledge the runners-up.

Second place: Anna Kwiatkowski

For the paper
Uncovering the hidden effects of repetitive subconcussive head impact exposure: A mega-analytic approach characterizing seasonal brain microstructural changes in contact and collision sports athletes” Published in Human Brain Mapping

And Third place: Dr. Lucia Hernandez-Pena

For the paper
Neural correlates of static and dynamic social decision-making in real-time sibling interactions” Published in Human Brain Mapping

The Brain Imaging Facility will host an official award ceremony and celebration, where you will have the chance to discuss each other’s studies. The exact date and time will be specified in the coming days.