19 11, 2021

Nature Neuroscience Publication

By |2021-11-30T14:47:25+00:00November 19th, 2021|News, Publications|Comments Off on Nature Neuroscience Publication

We would like to announce, that  Julia Mohrhardt ( doctoral student at IRTG2150) and Prof.Marc Spehr (PI at IRTG2150 and Speaker at RTG2416) published their research paper Ventral striatal islands of Calleja neurons control grooming in mice at the Nature Neuroscience Journal. Great Suceess!! Congratulations Julia and Marc!!  

1 11, 2021

Lena got the Friedrich-Wilhelm Award for her dissertation

By |2021-11-05T11:24:37+00:00November 1st, 2021|News|Comments Off on Lena got the Friedrich-Wilhelm Award for her dissertation

The IRTG2150 student Lena Hofhansel  got the Friedrich-Wilhelm Award for her dissertation -  “The Criminal Brain: Brain Structure and Function Specifics of Aggressive Behavior”. The  award ceremony will be on 19th of November. Congratulation Lena!!

17 11, 2020

Lena received her PhD

By |2020-12-07T11:20:30+00:00November 17th, 2020|Graduations, News|Comments Off on Lena received her PhD

Lena Hofhansel received her Ph.D. Thesis title : “The Criminal Brain: Brain Structure and Function Specifics of Aggressive Behavior”. Congratulations Lena!!!!