23 05, 2018

Julius Kernbach published paper

By |2018-07-27T10:10:05+00:00May 23rd, 2018|Publications|Comments Off on Julius Kernbach published paper

Julius Kernbach published his article “Shared Endo-phenotypes of Default Mode Dysfunction in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder” at the journal Translational Psychiatry. Congratulation Julius!!!

7 09, 2017

Report of student from University of Pennsylvania about her experience in IRTG2150 (Aachen) this summer

By |2020-08-18T13:44:18+00:00September 7th, 2017|News|0 Comments

This summer, Christeen Samuel, a sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania from New York City, spent 10 weeks in western Germany using technology to observe how the brain changes when a person makes an impulsive, aggressive choice, such as road rage. The research opportunity in Germany came about when Samuel consulted her University Scholars mentor, Ruben Gur, a neuropsychologist in [...]

1 05, 2017

The first Spring School of the IRTG 2150 recap

By |2020-08-18T13:44:18+00:00May 1st, 2017|Spring School|0 Comments

The first Spring School of the IRTG 2150 was held from April 26th to April 29th, 2017, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The four days were focused around presentations of ongoing PhD projects from more than 30 students investigating the neural circuits of impulsivity and aggression, the modulation of these networks in patients, and establishing new methodological [...]